This past Sunday afternoon after our worship services, my family and I were in the process of returning home when we passed a local denomination. In the parking lot of their building, a group of younger people were standing around and talking. My wife and I both noticed it at the same time; they were all dressed in clothing that was unbefitting of Christians (1 Timothy 2:9-10), especially when you consider that they had just left their own worship service! The girls were in tight and extremely short shorts, and the guys were wearing shorts and tank tops! Now, was my first reaction was not to think about how spiritual those young people were, but rather about how worldly they were, and I was disappointed in both their dress and their behavior! Consider: did their dress and behavior show any distinction between themselves and any worldly person driving down the road? Did it denote any change in their spiritual lives? (Note - there would obviously be other doctrinal differences between us and I am NOT equating this denomination with the true kingdom of God).
Many Christians will argue for the right to dress immodestly based on the idea that the Bible does not define specific lengths, but the question I want to pose is this: when you see a woman dressed in a bikini or a man dressed in a tank top (or no shirt), is your first thought about how godly and spiritual they are? Are you immediately impressed with their service to God? Please, take a moment and honestly ask yourself what your first thought is that goes through your mind.
This specific experience caused me to begin to think again about our influence in this world and how even some of what we deem to be the "little things" that we do can either make or break our spiritual influence with our friends in the world. With the obvious rise in the use of social media in the modern world, we need to be particularly careful about our online persona! While we may find some things to be amusing, we need to consider what our "likes" say about us and our spirituality. Most especially, we need to think about what our personal photos say about us!
There have been many instances in which I have seen faithful Christians "share" or "like" an image, saying, or joke on Facebook (or some other social media platform) that was connected to a website or Facebook page whose name contains a swear word or sexual innuendo. While my first thought is to be lenient towards that Christian and to believe that they have not noticed that, does a non-Christian use such leniency? Are non-Christians seeing us as being careful and not participating in such things, or are they seeing us "liking" or "sharing" such things and assuming that it must be ok to do so? Or are they perhaps seeing no difference between our activities and their activities, and wondering why there is no difference?
Unfortunately, there are also many photographs of Christians floating around the social media world in which they are dressed immodestly, are in spiritually compromising locations (such as bars), or are in compromising physical positions that are intended to be "funny." Consider 1 Thessalonians 5:21-23 where Paul writes, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (KJV) and ask yourself if these types of photographs and actions are doing that? What do your photographs say about your spirituality?
Recently, I read an article that made an excellent point concerning what picture we paint of our children online; we often post pictures of our children in just their diapers (or nothing at all!), in the bath, or in clothing that disrespects them. We often forget that once something is posted online, it is there forever (even if deleted, it can still be found somewhere). Consider Ephesians 6:1-4 and Proverbs 22:6; if we post these types of things about our children, are we truly respecting them?
Let us take that principle a step further; many Christians will even run down their spouse by posting inappropriate stories, inappropriate pictures of their spouse, and even inappropriate pictures of themselves. Does this depict the attitude in Ephesians 5:22-33 that a couple is to have concerning one another? It is "funny" or does it just harm the relationship between you, as well as the influence you have on the world?
It is probably fair to say that every single one of us needs to be more careful in this area. Remember that we do not always know who may be watching us and seeing how we act before they consider becoming a Christian! It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but only a moment or a post to ruin it (Ecclesiastes 7:1; 10:1-3; Proverbs 22:1).
Monday, July 1, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Judge Not - What Do the Scriptures Say About Judging?
In the world today (although this is nothing new), Christians are
commonly faced with the argument “you shouldn’t judge!” It seems that no matter
what the sin, whether it is gossip, lying, murder, or the current hot-button
issue of homosexuality, the Christian is judged to have the wrong attitude by “judging”
the person committing the sin. If a Christian
tries to explain to a person that they are doing something contrary to the
Gospel of Christ, the almost instantaneous retort is “judge not that ye be not
judged!” This retort is generally
followed up by an attempt to show some perceived or even real hypocrisy in the
life of the Christian, which is thought to negate the sin in their own
Now, can a Christian be a hypocrite in their judging of others?
Absolutely. Does that hypocrisy negate
the sin the Christian is addressing in the life of another? Absolutely
not. Can a Christian justly judge
another human being as living in sin? Again, absolutely. Let us take a few moments and look at the
Scriptures, not to cement our already preconceived notions (whatever they may
be), but to see what the Scriptures actually say about judging.
Matthew 7:1 is possibly the most used and misused verse in the Bible
(excluding, perhaps, John 3:16). Here,
Jesus says, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (NKJV). It seems that many readers stop with this
single verse as though it encompasses the entire meaning of the passage and
there is nothing else to consider (not trying to be harsh or unfair in this
assessment, only stating from experience that I have never seen anyone try to
quote anything from Matthew 7 beyond verse 1).
A little less often used is Romans 2:1-4. Again, it seems as though many leave off with
verse 4 instead of keeping it in context.
Should a discussion make it past these two verses, another popular
retort comes from John 8:7 where Jesus says, “He who is without sin among you,
let him throw a stone at her first,” but once again context is generally
neglected. Now, to be fair, if these
passages were the only ones that we had to go on (without even their immediate
contexts), then coming to the conclusion that we as humans are not to judge one
another would be a very logical and correct deduction. But we need the rest of the story, so to
speak, and that is found in the contexts of these passages, as well as in some
additional ones found throughout the New Testament.
If we continue to read further in Matthew 7, Jesus goes on to tell us
that the same measurement of judgment that we issue will be dealt back to
us. He absolutely DOES address the
attitude of the judge and tells that person to remove the speck, or sin, from
their own lives. A Christian who obeys
the Lord’s commands (Acts 2:38; John 14:15) has removed that speck, and thus
can see clearly to remove the speck from another’s eye (Matthew 7:5). Additionally, when a Christian uses the
Scriptures as their measurement of judgment (again, attitude IS addressed in
this passage), then of course we will be judged by the same measurement! In
other words, Jesus addresses our attitude and essentially tells us not to take
such a thing lightly. Likewise, Romans
2:1-4 has a context. At the end of
Romans 1, Paul talks about those who are judging others as being in sin, but
they themselves are doing the same things (so, for instance, an envious person
is judging another person of envy, etc).
Further, Paul is discussing those that laid aside the will of God and
embraced the evilness of this world (Romans 1:18-2:11). In other words, the context of both of these
passages does not indicate not judging at all, but only the right kind of judgment!
The remainder of the context of John 8:1-7 is, actually, a perfect example to
illustrate the discussion thus far.
While many people will read John 8:1-7, most will stop at verse 7, or
at the very least they seem to ignore from there forward. However, Jesus does address the attitude of
the accusers, but He does not indicate that because the accusers had the wrong
attitude that the woman’s sin was negated! What does Jesus actually do in this
passage? The scribes and Pharisees had brought this woman to Jesus and accused
her of adultery (since she was caught in the very act of it, have you ever
wondered where the man was that was also involved?), but they were not accusing
her to either save her soul or to even fulfill the law, as we are told in John
8:6. Rather, they were brining her to
Him in order to test Him! When Jesus tells them that the one without sin should
cast the first stone, He is addressing their attitude, not whether or not the
woman was guilty. They are convicted by
their own consciences (John 8:9). Now,
with the attitudes (which fully illustrates the wrong type of judgment
discussed in both Matthew 7 and Romans 2) having been addressed, Jesus
absolutely does show mercy to the woman.
He does NOT act as though she had not sinned, which is evidenced by the
fact that He commands her to “go and sin no more” (John 8:11).
Now, let’s take a step back for a moment. Let’s assume for a moment that Matthew 7:1
and John 8:7 actually mean what they are generally misapplied to mean and that
we are not to judge anyone. Would that
apply to the Apostle Paul? Surely we would tread carefully before judging an
inspired man of God as not having the ability to judge someone in sin! Consider
1 Corinthians 5:3 where Paul writes, “For I indeed, as absent in body but
present in spirit, have already judged (as though I were present) him who has
so done this deed.” Note that Paul not
only judges the man who has his father’s wife (1 Corinthians 5:1), but that he
addresses the attitude with which he did the judging (“…absent in body but
present in spirit…”). He also judges the
congregation that had not dealt with this sin (1 Corinthians 5:2, 6)! Now, at
this point, we may be tempted to make the argument that Paul was an inspired
apostle and that we are not (please note 1 Corinthians 11:1 and 1 Corinthians
4:15-16 if this is your true stance).
Even if we again grant that argument, Paul did have the ability to judge
and he has provided numerous lists of sins! There are at least four extensive
lists of sins provided by God through Paul for us (1 Corinthians 6:8-10; 1
Timothy 1:9-11; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-7). Galatians 5 also includes “and the like” in
the list, which indicates that there must be some sort of judgment made by man
since it was written to man! All of these passages are in addition to Paul’s
depiction of a Godless society in Romans 1! Thus, even if we grant that we
cannot judge and that Paul, as an apostle, was allowed to judge where we are
not, we have an entire list of sins that we cannot participate in. In other words, Paul calls fornication a sin,
so if a person commits fornication they are sinning…not by my word, but by the
inspired writings of the apostle Paul!
As homosexuality is, as I said, the “hot-button” issue of the day, let
us use that as an example. Many people
today call Christian’s “haters” if they oppose the sin of homosexuality and
they tell Christians not to judge. Paul,
in 1 Corinthians 6:8-10, condemns homosexuality and sodomy as being sins. If a person is participating in those worldly
things, how is it that a Christian is truly judging them? Christians merely
utilize the Scriptures to show another human the path to heaven! Can a
Christian do this with the wrong attitude? Absolutely. If, perchance, a Christian DOES “judge” with
the wrong attitude, is the person participating in these sins no longer a
sinner? Of course they are still a sinner! Remember, while Jesus did address
the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees, He did not forget that the woman had
While many people don’t think about it in these terms, all people make
judgments. If we decide that a person
living in sin is “ok,” then we have judged them to be so. If we make that decision and nobody else
shows that person the Scriptures, then we may have also judged their eternal
soul and condemned them to eternal torment because we were unwilling to help
them see the sin in their life. Do we
want that soul’s condemnation on our hands because we had the opportunity to
teach them? Do we want that on our hands in the day of our own judgment by the
Lord? While they may or may not listen to us when we show them the Scriptures,
our job is to show them the path to heaven!
Finally, as we begin to conclude, consider this: too much time is spent
by Christians trying to defend their reasons for “judging.” Too often, we spend so much time
concentrating on the messenger’s attitude and making sure that they are doing
it right (which, coincidently, involves judgment…) that the sin of the “judged”
is overlooked or excused. Note Proverbs
17:15 where we read, “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the
just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord,” and Isaiah 5:20 where
we read, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for
light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Friday, March 22, 2013
How Do You React to God's Word?
There cannot
be more of a difference in reactions to God’s word than what we find with
Josiah and his son, Jehoiakim. In
Jeremiah 36, Jehoiakim is given God’s word and his reaction is much less than desirable. Rather than accepting the word of God as it
was, Jehoiakim has an adverse reaction and not only rejects it, but physically
destroys the scroll that it was written on by Baruch. When Jehudi “had read three or four columns,”
the king cut the scroll up with the scribe’s knife as though that will alter
what the message was!
While many people today do not necessarily cut up the word
of God with a knife, how often do they (we) cut it up metaphorically? In other
words, we find a passage that we do not like for whatever reason, and instead
of altering our attitude to fit the passage as it is, we attempt to alter the
passage to fit our desires. Thus, a
passage condemning sin no longer condemns sin, but promotes it in some way,
shape, or form! How often have you seen
this done (ref. 2 Peter 3:15-17)? Many misconstrue the Scriptures and develop
elaborate doctrines (mental gymnastics) that alter “thou shalt not” into “go
ahead and do what you want.” Sometimes,
people may not even do these things consciously; meaning, they are not sitting
there thinking consciously that they are twisting the Scriptures! They often
get caught up in something that they WANT to participate in, and therefore they
seek a way to make that deed allowable by God.
Perhaps the biggest threat to Christianity is when we so often try to
cover the sins of a loved one by trying to explain away what they are doing as
being “ok.” Does this actually alter the
word of God?
On the other hand, Jehoiakim’s father, Josiah, had a
completely different reaction to the word of God! While we should avoid having the
reaction that Jehoiakim had, we should strive to have a reaction like
Josiah. In 2 Kings 22, the word of God
is discovered and read to King Josiah (note: 2 Kings 22:2 says that Josiah did
what was right in the sight of the Lord).
Josiah is distraught that they had not been following the word of God
(he is distraught to the point of tearing his clothing – 22:11). Unlike Jehoiakim, Josiah allows the word of
God to create change in his own life and in the life of those he ruled
over. Throughout 2 Kings 23, we are told
of how many things Josiah did to rid Israel of idolatry, which included tearing
down alters and idols! Josiah not only heard the word of God, but made it
applicable to his own life!
Let us strive to be more like Josiah than Jehoiakim when we
hear the word of God. When God’s word
shows us sin in our lives, let us seek to remove that sin rather than excusing
it! When the Bible calls something sin, we need to accept that deed as such and
not try to explain it away! This is applicable for us as individuals, but it is
also applicable for those that we love; just because someone we love is doing
something does not make it right in the eyes of God, nor does any amount of our
explaining it away change God’s mind! Work to be more like Josiah and rid our
lives of sin!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Less Than the Best
In what other area of our lives would we accept the "desire" to do what is right? In what other area would we equate "desire" with "fulfillment"? Sometimes Christians, in their desire to attribute good to all they meet, will confuse the dsire to obtain the reward (heaven) with the desire to obey God. Those two things are not one and the same, unfortunately for some.
Consider it this way: if you had to have brain surgery, do you want the person who wants the wage of a brain surgeon (the reward), or do you want the person who disciplined their life in order to be able to perform brain surgery successfully? There are a great many requirements to becoming a brain surgeon (and with good reason!); undergraduate work, graduage work, medical school, residencies, lab classes, etc. Those that want to be a brain surgeon MUST fulfill these requirements (you might say that the path to becoming a surgeon is narrow). Do you want someone who does not fulfill these requirements to cut into your head?
When we get to our spiritual life, however, we treat God as if He is lucky that we offer anything to Him at all. Like becoming a surgeon (and even being able to maintain an active surgeon status, they have requirements for continued education, etc), the Christian has requirements to fulfill in order to achieve the reward of heaven, not JUST the desire to reach heaven (obviously having a desire to reach heaven does play a part...otherwise, why would anyone bother?).
We obviously would not allow the person who only desires the wages of a surgeon, but has not fulfilled the requirements to do such work, to do brain surgery on us. However, we consistently accept (or make excuses for) those that have the "desire" for the reward of heaven, but do not do the commandments of the Lord (John 14:15; John 15:14).
Perhaps we should also consider it this way: would our jobs or school accept us doing our duties for them the way we do our duties for the Lord? If we constantly told our school or work that we simply "couldn't make it" in because of this reason or for that reason? If we were consistently late for either of those things? Yet, we aruge that this is acceptable for God and that God will just have to understand. Consider Malachi 1:7-9 in which people were offering things to God that they would not dare to serve their dignitaries. We often frown at passages such as this and shake our heads, but do we not do the same thing today when we offer God less than our best?
Remember Matthew 6:33 where we are told to seek the kingdom of God first. The context of this passage is that God will see to our earthly needs as He sees fit if our service is first to Him, not this world. This doesn't mean that we will necessarily be "rich" with earthly things, but we will have our needs met as He sees fit! We cannot use the materialistic things of this life that we "need" as an excuse not to obey the commandments of the Lord. Remember the words of Joshua, "...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).
Consider it this way: if you had to have brain surgery, do you want the person who wants the wage of a brain surgeon (the reward), or do you want the person who disciplined their life in order to be able to perform brain surgery successfully? There are a great many requirements to becoming a brain surgeon (and with good reason!); undergraduate work, graduage work, medical school, residencies, lab classes, etc. Those that want to be a brain surgeon MUST fulfill these requirements (you might say that the path to becoming a surgeon is narrow). Do you want someone who does not fulfill these requirements to cut into your head?
When we get to our spiritual life, however, we treat God as if He is lucky that we offer anything to Him at all. Like becoming a surgeon (and even being able to maintain an active surgeon status, they have requirements for continued education, etc), the Christian has requirements to fulfill in order to achieve the reward of heaven, not JUST the desire to reach heaven (obviously having a desire to reach heaven does play a part...otherwise, why would anyone bother?).
We obviously would not allow the person who only desires the wages of a surgeon, but has not fulfilled the requirements to do such work, to do brain surgery on us. However, we consistently accept (or make excuses for) those that have the "desire" for the reward of heaven, but do not do the commandments of the Lord (John 14:15; John 15:14).
Perhaps we should also consider it this way: would our jobs or school accept us doing our duties for them the way we do our duties for the Lord? If we constantly told our school or work that we simply "couldn't make it" in because of this reason or for that reason? If we were consistently late for either of those things? Yet, we aruge that this is acceptable for God and that God will just have to understand. Consider Malachi 1:7-9 in which people were offering things to God that they would not dare to serve their dignitaries. We often frown at passages such as this and shake our heads, but do we not do the same thing today when we offer God less than our best?
Remember Matthew 6:33 where we are told to seek the kingdom of God first. The context of this passage is that God will see to our earthly needs as He sees fit if our service is first to Him, not this world. This doesn't mean that we will necessarily be "rich" with earthly things, but we will have our needs met as He sees fit! We cannot use the materialistic things of this life that we "need" as an excuse not to obey the commandments of the Lord. Remember the words of Joshua, "...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).
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