Thursday, August 16, 2012

Called of God

When you look up the definition of the word "call" or "called," it is defined as follows: (2) to command or request to come, (3) to ask or invite to come, (5) to rouse from sleep, as by a call; waken (  Do these definitions not fit our own calling when it comes to the Lord? He calles us from our sleep (sin) to awaken us to righteousness.  God does not force obedience on any individual, but He has commanded righteousness in order to be saved.  He has offered the invitation to participate in salvation and eternal life.

Again, God doesn't force us to do anything.  We are "free" to continue in our sin if we so choose, but He readily invites us to participate in a whole list of wonderful things (belief [Hebrews 11:1-7]; rest after a faithful life [Matthew 11:28-30]; obedience [1 Thessalonians 1:9-10]; repentance and baptism [Acts 17:30-31; Acts 2:38]).  Should we not heed the call? Should we reject all the wonderful things that He has offered through the gospel and choose instead the things of this world?

Consider it this way: if somone offered you the choice between a coffee can of diamonds and a coffee can of sewer water, which would you choose? Nobody will force you to take the diamonds (which offers an inherent reward), but built into the coffee can of sewer water is the consequence of stink and putrification.

What will you choose?

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